All of our printable resources are protected by copyright. We ask that you kindly respect the research, time, effort, and cost that goes into making each and every one of our themed resources. We work with teachers to develop each pack to ensure that the resources are relevant, useful, and engaging. We work with illustrators to create the imagery and art that is used in our resources. We use expensive software to create, edit, and compile the resources, we pay to have them hosted online and we pay fees to be able to provide them to you. Please respect our copyright.
What does a copyright mean?
A copyright means that our work is legally protected. It means that you cannot copy, alter, redistribute, sell, give away, translate, adapt, distort, falsely attribute or make it available to another person or organisation in any way. Each resource is licensed for individual, non commercial, use only. If you would like to discuss using our resources in a commercial setting or a whole school setting please contact us.